Lowry Community Acupuncture, LLC
Intake forms:

Click here for Informed Consent form

Click here for Health History form

To prepare for your first treatment please do the following:

1.  Print out the Informed Consent and Health History forms above.  Just fill them out and bring them to your appointment, no need to email or mail them to me. They print better on PC's than on Mac/Apple products.

2.  For your comfort, just like if you were going to go exercise or have a massage, for example, it's best to not come in on an empty stomach.

3.  Please wear comfortable clothing that I can roll your sleeves and pantlegs up past your knees and elbows so I can get to most of the points needed.

Thank you so much!

Web Design by Rob
By appointment only, please call
952-994-6585 for times!

On call 7 days/wk.
Best times for an appointment are
Tue-Fri 2-9pm.
Cash or Checks

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